Steve Sullivan

Steve Sullivan
  • Address Brentwood, Essex, England
  • Mobile Phone 07736415342
  • Date Joined Qualified February 2007
  • Membership Number Member #27,211


Reiki Master Level (Western) Reikiย Okuden Level (Eastern) "Reiki Council" Certification "CNHC" Registration Macmillan Cancer Care Certification Member of "The Essex Healers Association" Member ofย "The Reiki Guild" Member of "The AMT" (incorporating MET/EFT)

I am a firm believer that Complementary Therapy works side by side with Primary Health Care.

Many Doctors now acknowledge that most physical / mental / emotional ailments areย a manifestationย of Emotional Stress and Trauma.

I find In using this Unique Therapy MET/EFTย "tapping" and Reiki "the ripple from within" Therapies, combined or individually, so the process begins.

Inย helpingย YOU to identify the emotional baggage and alleviating it, arriving at the Root Cause,ย and Resolve it, with many profound results.

Weย cannot change the History of events, but we can help YOU toย change the Emotional andย Mindful response.

Helping YOU to achieve, to be the best YOU can be, in Life, In Buisness, in Sport.

I believe MET / EFT will enhance my existing treatments for the benefit ofย YOU ย 

I am also the Author ofย  'Le Cadeau De Lโ€™amour'



Three families, all very different. They had moved into the new build houses on the estate at the same time, one child born to each family, and had become friends from the beginning. Barbeques, holidays, days out - they were all involved and went everywhere together, sharing many happy times and fond memories.

But things changed the day the three children - Tommy, Louise and Sophie - now in their teens, went on holiday together. They had grown up like brothers and sisters but were now adults. They were suddenly alone in Portugal and the mixture of sun, excitement, and their freedom brought hidden sexual feelings out, leading to a holiday romance.

There always had to be an odd one out though and, when both girls fell in love with Tommy, it was inevitable one of them would get hurt.

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Steve Sullivan is listed in: Energists in Essex